Wrapped Canvas

Rolled Canvas Prints

Printed on heavy duty PremierArt Water Resistant Canvas, then finished with a dry lamination process that is UV and water resistant.

Rolled canvas prints are more affordable than our Mounted Canvas Prints, because they are not mounted on a wooden frame. Your rolled canvas will come with extra canvas on the edges to provide many framing options.

They ship rolled, in very sturdy tubes.

Mounted Canvas Prints

Printed on heavy duty PremierArt Water Resistant Canvas, then finished with a dry lamination process that is UV and water resistant.

The canvas is stretched and then wrapped over a 1 3/8" thick wooden frame. Your photo extends to cover the sides of the frame for a beautiful presentation.

Note: Since the outer edge of your photo will be used for the sides of the frame, not all of your photo will be visible when an admirer views it from the front.